Definition of sigh


thở dài


The origin of the word "sigh" can be traced back to the Old English "sægan," which had various meanings, including "to say," "to judge," and "to breathe." Over time, the meaning of the word evolved and came to refer specifically to the sound of breathing out in a contemplative or melancholic manner. By the Middle English period (around 1100-1500 AD), the word "sigh" had taken on its modern meaning of "an expression of deep breathing, as in resignation or exhaustion." And while the pronunciation of the word has changed over the centuries, the meaning has remained consistent. Some linguists suggest that the evolution of the word "sigh" may be related to the Old English "segan," another word with similar origins that came to mean "to declare" or "to assert." In this sense, a sigh might be seen as a way of silently declaring one's thoughts or emotions. Overall, the etymology of "sigh" provides a fascinating window into the rich and complex development of the English language, illustrating the ways in which words can change and evolve over time while still preserving their essential meaning.


to take and then let out a long deep breath that can be heard, to show that you are disappointed, sad, tired, etc.

hít vào rồi thở ra một hơi thật dài có thể nghe được, để thể hiện rằng bạn đang thất vọng, buồn bã, mệt mỏi, v.v.

  • He sighed deeply at the thought.

    Anh thở dài thật sâu khi nghĩ đến điều đó.

  • She sighed with relief that it was all over.

    Cô thở phào nhẹ nhõm vì mọi chuyện đã kết thúc.

Extra examples:
  • He sighed wearily as he looked at the pile of work.

    Anh thở dài mệt mỏi khi nhìn vào đống công việc.

  • She looked at her son and sighed happily.

    Cô nhìn con trai mình và thở dài hạnh phúc.

  • She sighed heavily and sat down.

    Cô thở dài nặng nề và ngồi xuống.

  • The girl watching him sighed dreamily.

    Cô gái nhìn anh thở dài mơ màng.

  • He sighed in exasperation.

    Anh thở dài bực bội.

to say something with a sigh

nói điều gì đó với một tiếng thở dài

  • ‘Oh well, better luck next time,’ she sighed.

    “Ồ, chúc may mắn lần sau,” cô thở dài.

to make a long sound like a sigh

tạo ra một âm thanh dài như tiếng thở dài

  • the sighing of the wind through the trees

    tiếng thở dài của gió xuyên qua hàng cây

  • branches sighing in the wind

    cành cây thở dài trong gió

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