Definition of sewer grate

sewer gratenoun

lưới chắn cống

/ˈsuːə ɡreɪt//ˈsuːər ɡreɪt/

The term "sewer grate" refers to a metal or tile structure that covers the opening of a sewer drain in a public street, sidewalk, or other urban area. The origin of this word can be traced back to the early 19th century when sewer systems first came into use as a means of controlling and treating urban wastewater. At that time, sewer systems were largely underground, and they were typically built with vertical pipes called sewers that carried sewage and stormwater away from buildings and into treatment plants. However, these pipes needed to be covered in order to prevent people and animals from falling in and to control odors and debris. The earliest sewer covers were simply wooden boards or stones, but these proved to be ineffective due to their tendency to rot or become dislodged. It was not until the mid-19th century that cast iron and wrought iron covers were introduced, which were stronger, more durable, and could be designed with lattice patterns to allow for drainage. These covers became known as "sewer gratings" or "sewer grates," and they quickly became a standard feature of urban streetscapes. Over time, sewer gratings have evolved to include a variety of materials, colors, and designs, from simple rectangular grates to intricate geometric patterns. However, their basic function remains the same - to provide a safe and efficient means of managing urban sewage and stormwater while also minimizing the risk of accidents and debris in public spaces.

  • The rain poured down the streets, rushing through the sewer grates and carrying debris with it.

    Mưa đổ xuống đường phố, chảy qua các song chắn cống và cuốn theo cả rác thải.

  • I accidentally dropped my pen down the sewer grate while crossing the street, and now it's lost forever.

    Tôi vô tình làm rơi cây bút xuống cống khi băng qua đường và giờ nó đã mất mãi mãi.

  • The city recommended that we avoid walking near the sewer grates during heavy rain to prevent the risk of being pulled in by the strong current.

    Thành phố khuyến cáo chúng tôi tránh đi bộ gần cống rãnh khi trời mưa lớn để tránh nguy cơ bị dòng nước mạnh cuốn trôi.

  • The smell of sewage wafted up from the sewer grates, making my nostrils wrinkle in disgust.

    Mùi nước thải bốc lên từ các ống cống khiến mũi tôi nhăn lại vì khó chịu.

  • As the storm water reached its peak, the sewer grates overflowed, causing flooding in nearby storefronts.

    Khi nước mưa đạt đến đỉnh điểm, các ống cống sẽ tràn ra, gây ngập lụt ở các cửa hàng gần đó.

  • The construction workers tossed wrenches and nuts into the sewer grate as they repaired the water mains, making a loud clanging sound.

    Những công nhân xây dựng ném cờ lê và đai ốc vào lưới cống khi họ sửa đường ống nước chính, tạo ra tiếng kêu leng keng lớn.

  • The sewer grates have covers that are heavy, but it's possible for masses of people to lift them if they work together.

    Các song chắn cống có nắp đậy khá nặng, nhưng nhiều người có thể nhấc chúng lên nếu họ cùng làm việc.

  • The sewer grates in the historic district have decorative designs that complement the architecture of the buildings above.

    Các song cống ở khu vực lịch sử có thiết kế trang trí bổ sung cho kiến ​​trúc của các tòa nhà phía trên.

  • If you're walking in the city at night, avoid stepping over sewer grates with manhole covers that wobble or give off an eerie glow.

    Nếu bạn đi bộ trong thành phố vào ban đêm, hãy tránh bước qua các song cống có nắp hố ga rung lắc hoặc phát ra ánh sáng kỳ lạ.

  • After a heavy downpour, you might notice that some sewer grates are studded with a variety of objects, such as twigs, leaves, and plastic bags. Some people believe that this is a sign of pollution in the sewers.

    Sau một trận mưa lớn, bạn có thể nhận thấy một số song chắn cống được gắn nhiều vật thể khác nhau, chẳng hạn như cành cây, lá cây và túi nhựa. Một số người tin rằng đây là dấu hiệu ô nhiễm trong cống.