Definition of scurry


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The word "scurry" originated in the 14th century from the Old French word "escurir," which means "to flee" or "to run away." This Old French word is derived from the Latin "scurra," which means "a twisted or curved motion." Over time, the spelling of the word evolved to "scurry." In its earliest sense, "scurry" referred to the act of running quickly or fleeing from something. Later, it came to be used to describe the rapid, scrambling movements of small animals, such as mice or birds fleeing from predators. In modern usage, "scurry" often connotes a sense of urgency, often used to describe the quick and nimble movements of small creatures, or even people, as they go about their daily activities in a hurry.

  • The mice scurried across the kitchen floor as soon as the light was turned on.

    Những con chuột chạy vội qua sàn bếp ngay khi đèn bật sáng.

  • The squirrels scurried up the tree as the wind began to pick up.

    Những con sóc vội vã leo lên cây khi gió bắt đầu nổi lên.

  • The crowd scurried to find their seats as the curtains opened.

    Đám đông vội vã tìm chỗ ngồi khi tấm rèm được mở ra.

  • The rats scurried through the streets as the rain poured down.

    Những con chuột chạy vội qua các con phố khi cơn mưa như trút nước.

  • The children scurried out of the classroom as the bell rang.

    Những đứa trẻ vội vã chạy ra khỏi lớp học khi tiếng chuông reo.

  • The cockroaches scurried away when the light was shone on them.

    Những con gián vội vã bỏ chạy khi có ánh sáng chiếu vào chúng.

  • The birds scurried to their nests as the sun began to set.

    Những chú chim vội vã bay về tổ khi mặt trời bắt đầu lặn.

  • The ants scurried through the garden, carrying bits of food back to their colony.

    Những con kiến ​​chạy khắp khu vườn, mang theo những mẩu thức ăn trở về tổ của chúng.

  • The tourists scurried through the airport, heading for their gates before their flights departed.

    Những du khách vội vã chạy qua sân bay, hướng đến cổng ra máy bay trước khi chuyến bay khởi hành.

  • The horses scurried to safety as the lightning struck nearby.

    Những con ngựa vội vã chạy đến nơi an toàn khi tia sét đánh trúng gần đó.

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