Definition of screening


sàng lọc


The word "screening" has its roots in the 16th century. The term "screen" originated from the Old Norse word "skjern", meaning "net" or "mesh". In the 14th century, a "screen" referred to a frame with a mesh or a net-like surface, used for various purposes such as shading from the sun or protecting against insects. In the 17th century, the term "screen" began to be used metaphorically to describe the act of filtering or separating things, such as ideas or information. The verb form "to screen" emerged, meaning to pass something through a screen or filter, with the intention of excluding or excluding certain elements. By the 20th century, the term "screening" had taken on a broad range of meanings, including the process of interviewing or testing people (e.g., job screening), as well as the examination of information or data (e.g., financial screening). Today, the word "screening" is widely used in various contexts, from entertainment to healthcare.


the act of showing a film or television programme

hành động chiếu một bộ phim hoặc chương trình truyền hình

  • This will be the movie's first screening in this country.

    Đây sẽ là lần đầu tiên bộ phim được công chiếu tại quốc gia này.

the testing or examining of a large number of people or things for disease, faults, etc.

việc kiểm tra hoặc xem xét một số lượng lớn người hoặc vật để tìm bệnh tật, lỗi, v.v.

  • breast cancer screening

    tầm soát ung thư vú

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