Definition of scenic


có cảnh đẹp thiên nhiên


The word "scenic" can be traced back to the 16th century when it was used to describe a dramatic happening or event. Its origin can be found in the Middle French word "scénique" which means "theatrical" or "dramatic". Then, in the 17th century, the word "scene" started being used to refer to a painted backdrop used in live theater performances. As time passed, "scenic" began to describe not just a visual backdrop, but also the entire stage setup and the overall visual effect on the audience. The meaning of "scenic" then evolved to refer to something that is visually appealing or picturesque, especially a landscape or a view. This new meaning appeared in the late 19th century when people started to use the word to describe natural scenery that was particularly picturesque or attractive. Overall, the word "scenic" now refers to things that are visually stunning, especially natural landscapes or views that are particularly pleasing to the eye. It has a long and fascinating history, originating in the world of theatrical performances and evolving to describe the beauty of the natural world.


having beautiful natural scenery

có phong cảnh thiên nhiên tươi đẹp

  • an area of scenic beauty

    một khu vực có cảnh đẹp

  • They took the scenic route back to the hotel.

    Họ đi theo con đường ngắm cảnh để trở về khách sạn.

  • We found a nice scenic spot for lunch.

    Chúng tôi tìm thấy một địa điểm ngắm cảnh đẹp để ăn trưa.

  • There are seven miles of scenic drives with river walks and panoramic views.

    Có bảy dặm lái xe ngắm cảnh với những chuyến đi bộ trên sông và tầm nhìn toàn cảnh.

connected with scenery in a theatre

kết nối với khung cảnh trong rạp hát

  • scenic designs

    thiết kế cảnh đẹp

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