Definition of satanic


quỷ dữ


The word "satanic" has its roots in the Old Testament and the Hebrew Bible. The name "Satan" (Hebrew: הַשַּׂטָּן) means "adversary" or "enemy," and refers to a Hebrew word that means "to oppose" or "to withstand." In Jewish tradition, Satan is a servant of God who serves as a tempter and accuser, but is not inherently evil. The concept of Satan as a fallen angel or fallen god is a later Christian innovation. The word "satanic" was first used in English in the 14th century, derived from the Latin "satanicus," meaning "pertaining to Satan." During the Middle Ages, the term "satanic" was used to describe anything related to evil, temptation, or rebellion against God. This use of the word has continued to the present day, often carrying connotations of darkness, malevolence, and opposition to good.


connected with the worship of Satan

có liên quan đến việc thờ Satan

  • satanic cults

    giáo phái satan

  • There was no evidence of satanic rituals.

    Không có bằng chứng nào về nghi lễ của quỷ Satan.

  • Not one incident of satanic abuse has actually been proved.

    Chưa có một trường hợp lạm dụng nào của Satan được chứng minh.

morally bad and evil

xấu xa và độc ác về mặt đạo đức

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