Definition of sampling


lấy mẫu


The word "sampling" has its roots in the Latin word "exemplum," meaning "example" or "model." Over time, it evolved through Old French and Middle English, becoming "sample" in the 14th century. Initially referring to a small portion taken as representative of a larger whole, the word "sample" evolved to encompass the act of taking a sample. This process, known as "sampling," became prominent in various fields, including statistics, music, and technology. Today, "sampling" can refer to everything from selecting data for research to using snippets of music to create new works.


the process of taking a sample

quá trình lấy mẫu

  • statistical sampling

    Lấy mẫu thống kê

the process of copying and recording parts of a piece of music in an electronic form so that they can be used in a different piece of music

quá trình sao chép và ghi lại các phần của một bản nhạc ở dạng điện tử để chúng có thể được sử dụng trong một bản nhạc khác

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