Definition of salvage


trục vớt


The word "salvage" has its roots in the Old French word "salver," which means "to save" or "to rescue." This Old French term is derived from the Latin word "salvare," which also means "to save." The Latin "salvare" is a combination of "sal," meaning "safe," and "vare," meaning "to make." In the 14th century, the English language adopted the word "salvage" from Old French, initially using it to describe the act of saving something from loss, destruction, or shipwreck. Over time, the meaning of "salvage" expanded to include the recovery of valuable goods or materials from a wreck, and eventually, the term took on a broader sense of rescuing or retrieving anything of value. Today, the word "salvage" is commonly used in various contexts, including maritime, insurance, and everyday language.


the act of saving things that have been, or are likely to be, damaged or lost, especially in a disaster or an accident

hành động cứu những thứ đã hoặc có khả năng bị hư hỏng hoặc bị mất, đặc biệt là trong một thảm họa hoặc tai nạn

  • the salvage of the wrecked tanker

    trục vớt tàu chở dầu bị đắm

  • a salvage company/operation/team

    một công ty/hoạt động/đội cứu hộ

the things that are saved from a disaster or an accident

những thứ được cứu khỏi thảm họa hoặc tai nạn

  • an exhibition of the salvage from the wreck

    một cuộc triển lãm về sự trục vớt từ xác tàu

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