Definition of sabotage


sự phá hoại


The word "sabotage" originated in the late 19th century in the French industrial sector. It describes the deliberate act of causing damage or disruption to equipment, machinery, or processes with the intent to stop production or operations. The word sabotage is derived from the French word "sabot," which means wooden shoe or clog. Initially, "saboter" or saboteurs referred to workers who would intentionally throw their wooden shoes or clogs into machinery, causing it to break or jam up as a form of protest against working conditions. In the early 20th century, sabotage became associated with more organized acts of political and labor activism. It became synonymous with the tactics employed by secret agents or spies to disrupt or damage manufacturing or transportation infrastructure during wartime. This context eventually led to its widespread usage in English as a noun and verb describing the intentional destruction of resources to serve a political or strategic objective. In modern usage, sabotage can refer to various actions in many contexts, from industrial espionage and business sabotage to criminal activity and terrorism. However, the underlying meaning of deliberately causing harm or destruction with intent remains constant.


the act of doing deliberate damage to equipment, transport, machines, etc. to prevent an enemy from using them, or to protest about something

hành động cố ý làm hư hỏng thiết bị, phương tiện vận chuyển, máy móc, v.v. để ngăn chặn kẻ thù sử dụng chúng hoặc để phản đối điều gì đó

  • an act of economic/military/industrial sabotage

    một hành động phá hoại kinh tế/quân sự/công nghiệp

  • Police investigating the train derailment have not ruled out sabotage.

    Cảnh sát điều tra vụ tàu trật bánh không loại trừ khả năng có hành vi phá hoại.

  • They conducted a campaign of economic sabotage.

    Họ tiến hành một chiến dịch phá hoại kinh tế.

  • The fire may have been an act of sabotage.

    Vụ cháy có thể là một hành động phá hoại.

the act of preventing something from being successful or being achieved, especially deliberately

hành động ngăn chặn điều gì đó thành công hoặc đạt được, đặc biệt là có chủ ý

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