Definition of ruddy


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The word "ruddy" has a rich history dating back to Old English. It originated from the Proto-Germanic word "ruthiz", meaning "red" or "reddish". This word is also related to the Old English word "rōd", which means "red" or "reddish-brown". In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), "ruddy" emerged to describe something or someone with a reddish hue, often used to describe skin tone. For example, "a ruddy glow" or "a ruddy complexion". The word retained its association with redness throughout the centuries, but its meanings expanded to also describe something or someone as healthy, robust, or having a pleasant, glowing appearance. Today, "ruddy" is rarely used to describe something with a literal red color, but has taken on more figurative connotations to express admiration or affection for someone's appearance or disposition.


looking red and healthy

trông đỏ và khỏe mạnh

  • ruddy cheeks

    má hồng hào

  • a ruddy complexion

    một làn da hồng hào

red in colour

màu đỏ

  • a ruddy sky

    bầu trời đỏ thắm

a mild swear word that some people use to show that they are annoyed

một lời chửi thề nhẹ mà một số người dùng để thể hiện rằng họ đang khó chịu

  • I can't get the ruddy car to start!

    Tôi không thể khởi động được chiếc xe đỏ!

  • What the ruddy hell do you want?

    Bạn muốn cái quái gì thế?

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