Definition of roomie




"Roomie" is a shortened form of "roommate," a word that emerged in the late 19th century. "Roommate" combines "room" and "mate." "Room" has been around since the 14th century, meaning a space within a building. "Mate" in this context refers to a companion or partner, dating back to the 14th century as well. "Roommate" originally referred to someone sharing a room in a lodging house or boarding house. Its usage broadened to encompass people sharing living spaces in college dorms, apartments, and other settings. The shortened form "roomie" emerged in the 20th century as a more casual and informal way to refer to a roommate.


a person that you share a room with, especially at a college or university

người mà bạn ở chung phòng, đặc biệt là ở trường cao đẳng hoặc đại học

a person who shares a flat with one or more others

người ở chung căn hộ với một hoặc nhiều người khác

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