Definition of romaine




The origin of the word "romaine" for a type of lettuce can be traced back to ancient times, specifically to the Roman Empire. During the Roman era, lettuce was a popular vegetable, and different varieties were grown, with some being more crisp and tender than others. The specific type of lettuce that we now call romaine was particularly popular with the Roman elite, who enjoyed its dense and crunchy texture. The name "romaine" comes from the Latin word "Hortaria Capitata," which means "cabbage-headed lettuce." This name referred to the way that romaine lettuce grew, with its leaves tightly packed around a central stalk that resembled a small head of cabbage. As the Roman Empire spread, the cultivation of romaine lettuce also spread to other parts of Europe, including France and Italy, where it became a staple ingredient in local cuisines. In France, romaine lettuce was called "cos lettuce," while in Italy, it was sometimes referred to as "Cavalo Nero" or "Black Horse Cabbage" for its dark and curly leaves. In the late 1800s, romaine lettuce made its way to North America, where it quickly became popular due to its hearty texture and versatility in salads and sandwiches. Since then, romaine has become a staple ingredient in many western-style dishes and is now grown internationally for both commercial and domestic use. So, the next time you're enjoying a delicious romaine lettuce salad, know that it has its origins in the culture and cuisine of ancient Rome.

  • She added crisp romaine lettuce to her Caesar salad for a fresh, crunchy texture.

    Cô ấy thêm rau diếp romaine giòn vào món salad Caesar để có kết cấu tươi giòn.

  • The restaurant served a hearty steak house salad with grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, and plenty of romaine lettuce.

    Nhà hàng phục vụ món salad bít tết thịnh soạn với thịt gà nướng, cà chua bi và rất nhiều rau diếp romaine.

  • The garden fresh romaine lettuce in his salad was so vibrant and green, it looked like it had just been picked that morning.

    Rau diếp romaine tươi trong vườn trong món salad của anh ấy rất tươi và xanh, trông như thể nó vừa mới được hái vào sáng hôm đó.

  • The burger joint used thick, juicy slices of romaine lettuce in their sandwiches, which added a nice crunchy bite.

    Quán burger này sử dụng những lát rau diếp romaine dày, mọng nước trong bánh sandwich, tạo nên độ giòn ngon.

  • The chef proudly presented a gourmet Caesar salad with freshly grated Parmesan cheese, croutons, and generous layers of romaine lettuce.

    Đầu bếp tự hào giới thiệu món salad Caesar hảo hạng với phô mai Parmesan bào tươi, bánh mì nướng và nhiều lớp rau diếp romaine.

  • The salad bar at the grocery store was packed with various greens, but it was the tangy romaine lettuce that caught my eye.

    Quầy salad tại cửa hàng tạp hóa có đủ loại rau xanh, nhưng chính loại rau diếp romaine chua chua mới thu hút sự chú ý của tôi.

  • For a low-carb meal, he removed the lettuce leaves from the romaine head and used them as edible wraps for his tuna salad.

    Để có một bữa ăn ít carbohydrate, anh ấy tách lá rau diếp ra khỏi cây romaine và dùng chúng làm lớp vỏ ăn được cho món salad cá ngừ của mình.

  • The veggie burger was served with a side of romaine lettuce and other traditional burger condiments.

    Bánh mì kẹp chay được phục vụ kèm với rau diếp romaine và các loại gia vị truyền thống khác của bánh mì kẹp.

  • The baby romaine lettuce specialist farmer allowed us to pick the lettuce straight from the fields, the subtle differences between the leaves showing the distinct regions they came from.

    Người nông dân chuyên trồng rau diếp romaine cho phép chúng tôi hái rau diếp trực tiếp từ cánh đồng, sự khác biệt tinh tế giữa các lá cho thấy vùng trồng riêng biệt của chúng.

  • The burger was so juicy that a good helping of romaine lettuce acted as a bed that kept all the toppings in place.

    Chiếc bánh mì kẹp thịt này ngon ngọt đến nỗi một phần rau diếp romaine lớn đóng vai trò như một lớp nền giữ chặt tất cả các loại topping.

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