Definition of ritually


theo nghi lễ


The word "ritually" is an adverb that means in a ceremonial or formal manner, often referring to religious or superstitious practices. The word has its roots in the Old French word "ritual", which in turn comes from the Latin "ritualis", meaning "of ritual". The English language borrowed the word "ritual" from the Old French and adapted it to create the adverb "ritually". The word gained popularity in the 17th century, particularly in the context of Christian doctrine and liturgy. Over time, the word has expanded to encompass a broader range of ceremonial practices, not limited to Christianity. Today, the word "ritually" is commonly used in various contexts to describe actions performed in a formal, often symbolic, manner, such as celebrating holidays, performing sacred rituals, or participating in traditional ceremonies.


in a special way, especially as part of a religious ceremony

theo một cách đặc biệt, đặc biệt là như một phần của nghi lễ tôn giáo

  • The goat was ritually slaughtered.

    Con dê sẽ bị giết theo nghi lễ.

regularly and always in the same way

thường xuyên và luôn luôn theo cùng một cách

  • Every day I ritually check the local news sites.

    Mỗi ngày tôi đều kiểm tra các trang tin tức địa phương.

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