Definition of rinse


rửa sạch


The word "rinse" is believed to have originated from the Old French verb "reson" meaning "to strain, to wash out." This word was further adopted by the Middle English, where it was spelled as "rensen" and used to refer to the act of washing or washing out. The term "rinse" specifically refers to the process of rinsing clothes, dishes, or other objects with water after they have been washed or cleaned. This rinsing step is important as it helps remove any leftover detergent, soap, or food particles that could cause unpleasant odors or residue. Over time, the usage and meaning of the word "rinse" have evolved. In the context of haircare, "rinse" refers to the final step of washing hair with water after shampooing. Similarly, in the context of cooking, "rinse" sometimes refers to washing produce, such as rice, to remove any impurities. In summary, "rinse" is a descendant of the Old French "reson" and has developed its present-day meaning as a result of its usage in various contexts over the centuries.


to wash something with clean water only, not using soap

chỉ rửa thứ gì đó bằng nước sạch, không dùng xà phòng

  • Rinse the cooked pasta with boiling water.

    Rửa sạch mì ống đã nấu chín bằng nước sôi.

to remove the soap from something with clean water after washing it

loại bỏ xà phòng khỏi thứ gì đó bằng nước sạch sau khi rửa nó

  • Always rinse your hair thoroughly.

    Luôn xả tóc thật kỹ.

  • Make sure you rinse all the soap out.

    Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn rửa sạch tất cả xà phòng.

Extra examples:
  • Rinse the dishes with warm water.

    Rửa sạch bát đĩa bằng nước ấm.

  • She rinsed her hands in cold water.

    Cô rửa tay bằng nước lạnh.

to remove dirt, etc. from something by washing it with clean water

để loại bỏ bụi bẩn, vv từ một cái gì đó bằng cách rửa nó bằng nước sạch

  • She rinsed the mud from her hands.

    Cô rửa sạch bùn khỏi tay mình.

  • I wanted to rinse the taste out of my mouth.

    Tôi muốn rửa sạch mùi vị trong miệng.

  • He showered quickly, rinsing away the dirt of the journey.

    Anh tắm thật nhanh, rửa sạch bụi bẩn của cuộc hành trình.

  • He rinsed the flour from his hands.

    Anh rửa sạch bột khỏi tay.

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