Definition of ringer




The word "ringer" has a fascinating history. It's believed to have originated in the 19th century, likely from horse racing. A "ringer" was a horse that was entered in a race under a false name or identity, often to deceive bettors. The term likely arose from the fact that a ringer was a "ring-in" or a substitute, just like how a person might "ring" a bell to announce something. Over time, the word "ringer" expanded to encompass any person or thing that was a skillful or successful substitute, often surpassing the original. This meaning is still prevalent today, especially in sports and entertainment.


a person who rings church bells as a hobby

người rung chuông nhà thờ như một sở thích

a device that makes a ringing sound, for example on a phone

một thiết bị tạo ra âm thanh đổ chuông, ví dụ như trên điện thoại

  • It's easy to adjust the ringer volume.

    Thật dễ dàng để điều chỉnh âm lượng chuông.

a horse or person that takes part in a race illegally, for example by using a false name

một con ngựa hoặc người tham gia một cuộc đua bất hợp pháp, ví dụ bằng cách sử dụng tên giả


be a dead ringer for somebody
(informal)to look very like somebody
  • She's a dead ringer for a girl I used to know.