Definition of ridge


cây rơm


The origin of the word "ridge" can be traced back to Old English, where it was spelled as "rycg" or "hreog." These words had similar meanings, referring to a high or elevated part of a landform, such as a hill or mountain. The Old English word "rycg" was used to describe both the physical feature and the structure that was built on top of it, such as a defensive fortification. Over time, the meaning of the word became more specific, and it began to refer primarily to the geometric shape that results from two sloping surfaces meeting at a crest or peak. The word "ridge" is derived from the Middle English "rigge," which retained the root "ryg" and added the suffix "-ge" to indicate that it was a noun. This suffix was common in Middle English, and it is also the origin of words like "ridge" and "bargain." In its current usage, "ridge" refers to a raised band or strip, especially one that runs along the back or edge of something, such as a shoe, a ship, or a piece of fabric. It can also describe a long, narrow raised strip, such as a ridge of land between two valleys or two bodies of water. Overall, the word "ridge" has remained relatively consistent in meaning throughout its history, with slight nuances of usage evolving over time. However, its etymology highlights the close relationship between the physical features of the natural world and the words we use to describe them.


a narrow area of high land along the top of a line of hills; a high pointed area near the top of a mountain

vùng đất cao hẹp dọc theo đỉnh một dãy đồi; một khu vực cao nhọn gần đỉnh núi

  • walking along the ridge

    đi bộ dọc theo sườn núi

  • the north-east ridge of the Matterhorn

    sườn núi phía đông bắc của Matterhorn

  • We stood on the windswept ridge and looked down at the valley below.

    Chúng tôi đứng trên sườn núi lộng gió và nhìn xuống thung lũng bên dưới.

a raised line on the surface of something; the point where two sloping surfaces join

một đường nổi lên trên bề mặt của một cái gì đó; điểm mà hai bề mặt dốc nối nhau

  • The ridges on the soles of my boots stopped me from slipping.

    Những đường gờ ở đế ủng giúp tôi không bị trượt.

  • the ridge of the roof

    sườn của mái nhà

a long narrow area of high pressure in the atmosphere

một vùng hẹp dài có áp suất cao trong khí quyển

  • a ridge of high pressure over the Atlantic

    một dải áp suất cao trên Đại Tây Dương

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