Definition of resume


sơ yếu lý lịch


Definition of undefined

The word "resume" has a fascinating history! It originated in the 16th century from the Latin "resumere," which means "to take up again." In medieval times, a resume referred to a summary or an abridgment of a statement or document, often written in shorthand. The term was commonly used in legal and academic contexts to condense lengthy documents into a concise summary. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the word "resume" gained popularity in France and became associated with the act of recounting or relating events. It wasn't until the mid-19th century that the term began to be used in the context of job applications, referring to a brief summary of a person's work experience, skills, and achievements. Today, the term "resume" is widely used in many languages and is an essential tool for job seekers, employers, and recruiters alike.


if you resume an activity, or if it resumes, it begins again or continues after being interrupted

nếu bạn tiếp tục một hoạt động hoặc nếu nó tiếp tục thì nó sẽ bắt đầu lại hoặc tiếp tục sau khi bị gián đoạn

  • to resume talks/negotiations

    nối lại các cuộc đàm phán/đàm phán

  • She resumed her career after an interval of six years.

    Cô tiếp tục sự nghiệp của mình sau khoảng thời gian sáu năm.

  • The noise resumed, louder than before.

    Tiếng ồn lại tiếp tục, to hơn trước.

  • There is no sign of the peace talks resuming.

    Không có dấu hiệu nào cho thấy các cuộc đàm phán hòa bình sẽ được nối lại.

  • He got back in the car and resumed driving.

    Anh quay lại xe và tiếp tục lái xe.

to go back to the seat or place that you had before

quay trở lại chỗ ngồi hoặc nơi mà bạn đã có trước đây

  • He resumed his seat opposite her.

    Anh quay lại chỗ ngồi đối diện cô.

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