Definition of rendition


sự thông dịch


The term "rendition" is derived from the Latin word "rendere," which means "to give back" or "to return." In legal contexts, rendition refers to the process of surrendering a person or extraditing them from one jurisdiction or sovereign territory to another. This practice dates back to ancient times, as rulers and governing bodies would request the extradition of fugitives or prisoners to face criminal charges or stand trial. In medieval Europe, the concept of rendition was formalized through systems of law and treaties between nations. Today, rendition has gained widespread use by law enforcement and intelligence agencies, particularly in the context of counter-terrorism and national security operations. It is often associated with renditions carried out through extraordinary measures, including abduction, secret detention, and interrogation techniques that are considered to be torture. While the practice remains a subject of controversy, its legal basis and interpretation continue to evolve in response to global conflicts and shifting power dynamics.


the performance of something, especially a song or piece of music; the particular way in which it is performed

việc biểu diễn một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là một bài hát hoặc một bản nhạc; cách cụ thể mà nó được thực hiện

  • The band gave a live rendition of their latest single.

    Ban nhạc đã trình diễn trực tiếp đĩa đơn mới nhất của họ.

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(especially in the US) the practice of sending foreign suspects to be questioned in another country where the laws about the treatment of prisoners are less strict

(đặc biệt là ở Mỹ) việc đưa nghi phạm nước ngoài đi thẩm vấn ở một quốc gia khác nơi luật pháp về đối xử với tù nhân ít nghiêm ngặt hơn

  • They claimed that there had been rendition flights via Scotland.

    Họ tuyên bố rằng đã có chuyến bay phục vụ qua Scotland.

  • The move was an attempt to legalize extraordinary rendition.

    Động thái này là một nỗ lực nhằm hợp pháp hóa việc biểu diễn đặc biệt.

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