Definition of remembrance


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The word "remembrance" originated from the Old English word "remen," which in itself derived from the Proto-Germanic root word "remn." This root word translates to "mind" or "remember." This Old English word "remen" was used to describe the act of remembering, specifically in regards to preserving a memory from the past. Over time, this word evolved into Old French "remembrance," which retains the same meanings as the Old English original. The word subsequently found its way into Middle English around the 13th century, where it appeared as "remembraunce" or "remeneraunce." It was at this time that the word began to take on a more specific meaning, which was associated with religious Remembrance Day ceremonies. In the English Reformation, the Church of England introduced the concept of the Sacrament of the Altar, which was the memory of Christ's sacrifice during the Last Supper. This ritual included theonal remembrance of Jesus Christ by the priest during the Mass, leading to the use of "remembrance" as a more specific term for this religious concept. Since then, the use of "remembrance" has expanded beyond religious contexts, and is now widely used to describe acts of remembering or commemoration for any significant or notable event, person, or time period. Its popularity has also led to the adoption of derivatives, such as "remembrancer" (someone who remembers or commemorates), as well as "remember" (a verb meaning to recall memories or events).


the act or process of remembering an event in the past or a person who is dead

hành động hoặc quá trình ghi nhớ một sự kiện trong quá khứ hoặc một người đã chết

  • A service was held in remembrance of local soldiers killed in the war.

    Một buổi lễ được tổ chức để tưởng nhớ những người lính địa phương thiệt mạng trong chiến tranh.

  • a remembrance service

    một dịch vụ tưởng nhớ

  • He smiled at the remembrance of their first kiss.

    Anh mỉm cười khi nhớ lại nụ hôn đầu tiên của họ.

  • a chapel/garden of remembrance (= in memory of people who have died)

    một nhà nguyện/khu vườn tưởng niệm (= để tưởng nhớ những người đã chết)

an object that causes you to remember somebody/something; a memory of somebody/something

một đồ vật khiến bạn nhớ tới ai đó/cái gì đó; ký ức về ai đó/cái gì đó

  • The cenotaph stands as a remembrance of those killed during the war.

    Đài tưởng niệm là nơi tưởng nhớ những người đã thiệt mạng trong chiến tranh.

  • The group shared their remembrances of life at school.

    Cả nhóm chia sẻ những kỷ niệm về cuộc sống ở trường.

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