Definition of refundable


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The word "refundable" has its roots in the 14th century. The term "refund" itself comes from the Latin "refundere", which means "to pour back" or "to repay". This Latin word is a combination of "re-" (meaning "again" or "back") and "fundere" (meaning "to pour"). In English, "refund" initially meant "to pour back" or "to restore", and later took on the sense of returning money or goods after an initial payment. The adjective "refundable" emerged in the 17th century, describing something that can be refunded or returned. Over time, the word's meaning expanded to include the idea of being eligible for a refund, such as with ticket purchases, deposits, or memberships. Today, "refundable" is commonly used in various contexts, including finance, travel, and commerce, to indicate the possibility of getting a portion of one's payment back if certain conditions are met.


if something you have paid for is refundable, you can get your money back if you are not satisfied with it or if you are unable to use it

nếu thứ gì đó bạn đã trả tiền có thể được hoàn lại, bạn có thể lấy lại tiền nếu bạn không hài lòng với nó hoặc nếu bạn không thể sử dụng nó

  • Tickets are not refundable.

    Vé không được hoàn lại.

a sum of money that you pay that is refundable will be paid back later if particular conditions are met

một khoản tiền mà bạn trả có thể được hoàn lại sẽ được trả lại sau nếu đáp ứng được các điều kiện cụ thể

  • a refundable deposit

    một khoản tiền đặt cọc có thể hoàn lại

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