Definition of reefer




The origin of the word "reefer" is interesting. In the mid-19th century, a "reefer" referred to a means of refrigeration, specifically a ship that carried perishable goods such as fruit and vegetables in insulated holds to keep them cool during long voyages. These ships, often called "reefers" or "reefers," played a crucial role in the global transportation of fresh produce. Over time, the term "reefer" also took on a slang meaning, particularly in the 1920s and 1930s among travelers and sailors. In this context, a "reefer" referred to a small amount of ornamental pruning or trimming done to a sailor's hair to make it look neat and tidy, often before a leave or vacation. This sense of the word is likely derived from the idea of a "reefer" being a means of "refining" or "preparing" one's appearance. The slang usage of "reefer" is no longer commonly used today, but it provides an interesting glimpse into the evolution of language.


a short thick jacket made of wool, usually dark blue, with two rows of buttons

một chiếc áo khoác dày ngắn làm bằng len, thường có màu xanh đậm, có hai hàng nút

a cigarette containing marijuana

một điếu thuốc có chứa cần sa