Definition of reed


cây lau


The word "reed" has its origins in Old English, derived from the Proto-Germanic word "rethiz", which was related to the Proto-Indo-European root "reid-", meaning "growing". This root is also seen in other English words such as "rite" and "ride". In Old English, the word "reed" referred to any type of tall, thin plant with a hollow stem, such as a reed or a rush. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include other types of plants and even musical instruments, such as a reed before a concert flute. Today, the word "reed" can refer to a variety of things, including a type of grass-like plant, a musical instrument, or even a narrow, flat strip of cane or wood. Despite its evolution, the word "reed" remains closely tied to its origins in the natural world.


a tall plant like grass with a hollow stem that grows in or near water

một loại cây cao như cỏ có thân rỗng mọc trong hoặc gần nước

  • reed beds (= where they grow)

    luống lau sậy (= nơi chúng mọc)

  • The edge of the lake was fringed with reeds.

    Bờ hồ được bao quanh bởi lau sậy.

a small thin piece of cane, metal or plastic in some musical instruments such as the oboe or the clarinet that moves very quickly when air is blown over it, producing a sound

một mảnh mía mỏng nhỏ, kim loại hoặc nhựa trong một số nhạc cụ như ô-boa hoặc clarinet chuyển động rất nhanh khi thổi không khí qua nó, tạo ra âm thanh

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