Definition of receptacle


thùng chứa


The word "receptacle" originated in the late 16th century in English from the Latin word "recipiāle," which was derived from "recipiāre," meaning "to receive." The Latin word "recipiāle" was used to describe a container or vessel that is primarily used for holding or receiving something. The term "receptacle" initially referred to a container used for storing religious items, such as the chalice used for holding the Eucharist. However, over time, the meaning of the word broadened to include any container or compartment that is designed to receive or hold something, such as a socket to receive an electrical plug or a drawer to hold household items. The concept of a receptacle as a passive recipient is also present in biology, where it is used to describe an organism or structure that accepts and receives specific substances or entities, such as the uterus as a receptacle for a fertilized egg or the stomach as a receptacle for food. The versatility and applicability of the word "receptacle" have contributed to its widespread use in various contexts, from scientific and technical fields to everyday language. It continues to be a useful term to describe objects and structures that serve as containers or recipients for receiving and holding items or substances.


a container for putting something in

một thùng chứa để đặt một cái gì đó vào

  • In the backyard there was a large receptacle for catching rainwater.

    Ở sân sau có một thùng lớn để hứng nước mưa.

  • The seas have been used as a receptacle for a range of industrial toxins.

    Biển đã được sử dụng như một nơi chứa nhiều loại chất độc công nghiệp.

a device in a wall that you put a plug into (= a small plastic object with two or three metal pins) in order to connect electrical equipment to the power supply of a building

một thiết bị trên tường mà bạn cắm phích cắm vào (= một vật bằng nhựa nhỏ có hai hoặc ba chân kim loại) để kết nối thiết bị điện với nguồn điện của tòa nhà

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