Definition of recede


rút lui


The word "recede" has a fascinating history. It comes from the Old French word "receder," which is derived from the Latin words "re" meaning "back" and "cedere" meaning "to go." In Latin, the verb "cedere" originally meant "to yield" or "to surrender," but in Romance languages, it took on a different meaning. The Old French "receder" meant "to move back" or "to withdraw," and eventually, the English word "recede" emerged. Initially, "recede" referred to physical movement, such as something moving back or away. Over time, the word's meaning expanded to include figurative senses, like something becoming less prominent or influential. Today, we use "recede" to describe a variety of situations, from a glacier's surface melting to a company's profits decreasing. Despite its evolution, the word still retains a hint of its Latin roots, emphasizing the idea of movement or withdrawal.


to move gradually away from somebody or away from a previous position

di chuyển dần dần ra khỏi ai đó hoặc ra khỏi vị trí trước đó

  • The sound of the truck receded into the distance.

    Tiếng xe tải xa dần.

  • She watched his receding figure.

    Cô nhìn bóng dáng anh xa dần.

Extra examples:
  • His footsteps receded into the distance.

    Bước chân anh lùi dần về phía xa.

  • The January flood waters receded as fast as they had risen.

    Nước lũ tháng giêng rút nhanh như lúc chúng dâng lên.

  • The water receded back to its mysterious depths.

    Nước lại rút về độ sâu bí ẩn của nó.

to become gradually weaker or smaller

trở nên yếu dần hoặc nhỏ hơn

  • The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded (= it is less likely).

    Viễn cảnh phá sản hiện đã giảm đi (= ít có khả năng xảy ra hơn).

  • The pain was receding slightly.

    Cơn đau đã giảm đi một chút.

Extra examples:
  • The pain was gradually receding.

    Cơn đau dần dần thuyên giảm.

  • These worries now receded from his mind.

    Những lo lắng này bây giờ đã rút lui khỏi tâm trí anh.

to stop growing at the front of the head

ngừng phát triển ở phía trước đầu

  • a middle-aged man with receding hair/a receding hairline

    một người đàn ông trung niên với mái tóc xõa xuống/đường chân tóc xõa xuống

a chin (= part of the face below the mouth) that slopes backwards towards the neck

một cái cằm (= một phần của khuôn mặt bên dưới miệng) dốc về phía cổ


flip burgers
(especially North American English, informal, usually disapproving)to work as a chef in a fast-food restaurant, especially when this is considered to be a low-status job for people who lack the ambition or ability to do anything better
  • He is now flipping burgers and serving drinks to make ends meet.