Definition of rebound


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The word "rebound" comes from the Middle English word "rebounden" which in turn comes from the Old French words "re" meaning "again" or "back" and "bonde" meaning "bond" or "tie." In Old French, the word "rebonde" referred to a tie or bond that is regained or recovered. In Middle English, the word "rebounden" was used to refer to a tie or bond that is regained or recovered, following the Old French usage. The word "rebound" was derived from the Middle English word "rebounden" and ultimately from the Old French words "re" and "bonde." Over time, the meaning of "rebound" evolved to include any action or event that results in a regaining or recovery, particularly in the context of sports or athletics. It came to describe any action or event that results in a regaining or recovery in a specific context or situation, particularly in the context of sports or athletics. Today, "rebound" is still used to describe any action or event that results in a regaining or recovery, particularly in the context of sports or athletics. In summary, the word "rebound" originated in Old French from the words "re" and "bonde," which mean "again" or "back" and "bond" or "tie," respectively. Its original meaning referred to a tie or bond that is regained or recovered, but its meaning evolved to include any action or event that results in a regaining or recovery, particularly in the context of sports or athletics.


to bounce back after hitting something

bật trở lại sau khi va vào cái gì đó

  • The ball rebounded from the goalpost and Podolski headed it in.

    Bóng bật ra từ cột dọc và Podolski đánh đầu tung lưới.

if something that you do rebounds on you, it has an unpleasant effect on you, especially when the effect was intended for somebody else

nếu điều gì đó bạn làm ảnh hưởng đến bạn, nó sẽ gây ảnh hưởng khó chịu cho bạn, đặc biệt là khi tác động đó nhằm vào người khác

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to rise again after they have fallen

trỗi dậy trở lại sau khi họ đã sa ngã

  • Share prices rebounded after Friday’s losses.

    Giá cổ phiếu phục hồi sau đợt giảm giá hôm thứ Sáu.

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