Definition of reassignment


sự phân công lại


The word "reassignment" has its roots in the late 16th century. The verb "reassign" comes from the Latin words "re-" meaning "again" and "assignare" meaning "to assign". Initially, it meant "to assign or allot anew" or "to reappoint or reinstall". In the context of business, "reassignment" referred to the reassignment of tasks or responsibilities within an organization. In the 19th century, it also gained a military connotation, as soldiers were reassigned to different roles, units, or postings. In modern times, "reassignment" has taken on a broader meaning, including in the context of employment, education, and even in medical situations, such as gender confirmation surgeries, where it refers to the reassignment of gender identity. Throughout its evolution, the term "reassignment" has generally conveyed the idea of re-directing or re-defining a person's role, tasks, or identity.


the act of giving somebody a different duty, position or responsibility

hành động giao cho ai đó một nhiệm vụ, vị trí hoặc trách nhiệm khác

  • Her reassignment is part of a new global restructuring.

    Việc điều chuyển bà là một phần của quá trình tái cấu trúc toàn cầu mới.

the act of giving something to a different person or organization; the act of changing the status of something

hành động trao tặng thứ gì đó cho một người hoặc tổ chức khác; hành động thay đổi trạng thái của thứ gì đó

  • a reassignment of duties

    sự phân công lại nhiệm vụ

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