Definition of ransom


tiền chuộc


Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French ransoun (noun), ransouner (verb), from Latin redemptio(n-) ‘ransoming, releasing’, from redimere ‘buy back’, from re- ‘back’ + emere ‘buy’. Early use also occurred in theological contexts expressing ‘deliverance’ and ‘atonement’.


to keep somebody as a prisoner and demand that other people pay you an amount of money before you set them free

giữ ai đó như một tù nhân và yêu cầu người khác trả cho bạn một số tiền trước khi bạn thả họ ra

to take action that puts somebody in a very difficult situation in order to force them to do what you want

thực hiện hành động khiến ai đó rơi vào tình thế rất khó khăn nhằm buộc họ làm điều bạn muốn

  • The company refused to be held to ransom by the union.

    Công ty từ chối bị công đoàn đòi tiền chuộc.

Related words and phrases


hold somebody to ransom
to keep somebody as a prisoner and demand that other people pay you an amount of money before you set them free
(disapproving)to take action that puts somebody in a very difficult situation in order to force them to do what you want
  • The company refused to be held to ransom by the union.
  • a king’s ransom
    (literary)a very large amount of money