Definition of ramble


lan man


The origin of the word "ramble" can be traced back to the Middle English language, during the 14th century. The word originally meant "to move aimlessly or without restriction," derived from the Old French word "rembler," which meant "to rest" or "to repose." The Old French word "rembler" was believed to have originated from the Latin word "rombere," which meant "to rumble" or "to make a loud noise." This Latin root also gave us the modern English words "rumble" and "rumor." The Middle English word "remlen" soon evolved to "remlenge," meaning "to survive" or "to remain alive." The prefix "re-" meant "again" or "back," while the suffix "-menge" meant "motion" or "maintenance." During the 15th century, the word "ramyen," which was derived from "remyen" and meant "wild and idle talk," started emerging in written English. In the following centuries, "ramyen" became "rambler" and ultimately "ramble." By the 16th century, "ramble" was commonly used to describe aimless conversations, and by the 17th century, it had started referring to wandering or walking aimlessly in search of a destination. Today, it is used in a variety of contexts, such as describing an unfocused discussion, anaimless course of action, or a leisurely walk or hike in nature.


to walk for pleasure, especially in the countryside

đi bộ cho vui, đặc biệt là ở vùng nông thôn

  • We spent the summer rambling in Ireland.

    Chúng tôi đã dành cả mùa hè đi lang thang ở Ireland.

  • You can ramble through some beautiful countryside in the area.

    Bạn có thể đi lang thang qua một số vùng nông thôn xinh đẹp trong khu vực.

to talk about somebody/something in a confused way, especially for a long time

nói về ai/cái gì một cách bối rối, đặc biệt là trong thời gian dài

  • He had lost track of what he was saying and began to ramble.

    Anh ta đã quên mất những gì mình đang nói và bắt đầu lan man.

  • What is she rambling on about now?

    Hiện tại cô ấy đang lảm nhảm cái gì thế?

to grow in many different directions, especially over other plants or objects

phát triển theo nhiều hướng khác nhau, đặc biệt là trên các cây hoặc vật thể khác

  • Climbing plants rambled over the front of the house.

    Những cây leo mọc um tùm trước nhà.

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