Definition of quack


lang băm


The term "quack" originated in the 17th century and was initially used to refer to the noise made by ducks. However, its meaning soon evolved to describe individuals who falsely claimed to have medical knowledge and expertise. At that time, the medical profession was not well-regulated, and anyone could legally practice medicine without proper qualifications. This led to a proliferation of charlatans, who promised cures for all manner of ailments but often ended up causing more harm than good. The term "quack" was coined to refer to these unscrupulous practitioners, who were sometimes depicted as duck-like figures in satirical drawings and plays, in an effort to expose their dubious practices. The term has since been incorporated into everyday language, and is still commonly used today to describe individuals who make exaggerated or misleading claims, particularly in the field of medicine.


the sound that a duck makes

âm thanh mà một con vịt tạo ra

a person who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge or skills

một người tuyên bố không trung thực rằng mình có kiến ​​thức hoặc kỹ năng y tế

  • quack doctors

    bác sĩ lang băm

  • I've got a check-up with the quack (= the doctor) next week.

    Tôi phải kiểm tra với lang băm (= bác sĩ) vào tuần tới.

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