Definition of pyrotechnics


pháo hoa


The word "pyrotechnics" comes from the Greek words "pyr" meaning fire, and "techne" meaning art or craft. Combined, these words literally translate to "the art of fire." The term was originally used in the 17th century to refer to the production of fireworks, which were frequently used as a form of visual art and entertainment. Pyrotechnics encompass any display of fire, such as fireworks, fountains, and sparklers, or any use of controlled burning for practical purposes like signaling or military operations. Today, pyrotechnics are widely used in a variety of industries and applications, including theatre, film, concerts, sports events, and scientific experiments, as well as in some traditional and cultural events, often with impressive results.


fireworks or a display of fireworks

pháo hoa hoặc màn trình diễn pháo hoa

a clever and complicated display of skill, for example by a musician, writer or speaker

một màn trình diễn khéo léo và phức tạp về kỹ năng, ví dụ như của một nhạc sĩ, nhà văn hoặc diễn giả

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