Definition of pygmy




The word "pygmy" originally described any small humanoid figure in Greek mythology and literature, given its root word "pygme," pronounced "peeg-meh," meaning "one who is dwarfish" in Greek. This usage was carried into the Middle Ages and eventually applied to human populations in central Africa who were believed to be of short stature. European explorers, early on, observed that some people in the interior of Africa were significantly shorter than others and thus the term "pygmy" came to be used to describe these individuals. Over time, the definition of "pygmy" has evolved, and it is now used more broadly to describe any isolated population that is shorter in stature than the average population, regardless of their geographic location or cultural affiliation. However, the term "pygmy" remains a highly contested, outdated, and derogatory term in anthropology and is widely criticized for its negative connotations and historical misuse. Therefore, it is generally avoided in academic and professional settings and is being increasingly phased out in favor of more accurate and sensitive language.


a member of a group of people who are unusually short, especially a member of a people living in central Africa. This word is sometimes now considered offensive.

một thành viên của một nhóm người thấp bất thường, đặc biệt là thành viên của một dân tộc sống ở miền trung châu Phi. Từ này đôi khi bây giờ được coi là xúc phạm.

a very small person or thing or one that is weak in some way

một người hoặc vật rất nhỏ hoặc một cái gì đó yếu đuối

  • He regarded them as intellectual pygmies.

    Ông coi họ như những người lùn trí tuệ.

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