Definition of purge


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The word "purge" has its roots in the Middle English word "purgyn," which meant "to cleanse" or "to make pure." This term was derived from the Old French word "pourgre," which also implied a process of cleansing or purifying. At its basic level, the term "purge" has always referred to the act of removing something unpleasant or impure from a substance or object. In medieval times, it was commonly used to describe the process of cleansing the body of toxins or impurities through fasting, purgatives, or other medical remedies. Over time, the meaning of the word "purge" evolved to include politically charged connotations, such as the idea of eliminating perceived threats or enemies from political or social domains. In its modern context, "purge" is often used in political and legal circles to refer to the process of removing unwanted personnel, information, or influences from an organization or institution. In summary, the origin of the word "purge" can be traced back to its Old French roots, which implied a process of cleansing and purifying. While the meaning of the term has evolved over time, its fundamental connotation of removing something unpleasant or impure from a substance or object has stayed consistent.


to remove people from an organization, often violently, because their opinions or activities are unacceptable to the people in power

loại bỏ mọi người khỏi một tổ chức, thường là bạo lực, bởi vì ý kiến ​​hoặc hoạt động của họ không được những người có quyền lực chấp nhận

  • His first act as leader was to purge the party of extremists.

    Hành động đầu tiên của ông trên cương vị lãnh đạo là thanh trừng đảng khỏi những kẻ cực đoan.

  • He purged extremists from the party.

    Ông đã thanh lọc những kẻ cực đoan ra khỏi đảng.

to make yourself/somebody/something pure, healthy or clean by getting rid of bad thoughts or feelings

làm cho bản thân/ai/cái gì đó trong sạch, khỏe mạnh hoặc trong sạch bằng cách loại bỏ những suy nghĩ hoặc cảm xúc xấu

  • We need to purge our sport of racism.

    Chúng ta cần phải thanh lọc môn thể thao phân biệt chủng tộc của mình.

  • Nothing could purge the guilt from her mind.

    Không gì có thể xóa bỏ cảm giác tội lỗi khỏi tâm trí cô.

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