Definition of puck


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The word "puck" has its origins in Old English and Middle English, where it referred to a type of mischievous spirit or devil. In folklore, pucks were believed to be malevolent elves or fairies that lived in woods and forests, often playing tricks on humans. The term "puck" likely originated from the Middle English word "poc" or "pouke", which was derived from the Old English words "pōca" meaning "elf" or " sprite" and "pōc" meaning "devil". This sense of mischievousness and malevolence is reflected in modern use of the word "puck" to describe a disobedient or troublesome child. In the 16th century, the term "puck" was also applied to the mythical creatures that appear in Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream", often depicted as mischievous fairies that cause trouble for the human characters.


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