Definition of prowl




The origin of the word "prowl" can be traced back to the Old Norse word "prula," which means "to make asсліalling noises." This word was adopted into Middle English as "prowlen" and was associated with the actions of wild animals such as wolves and bears, who would make low growling or grunting sounds as they hunted for prey. In Middle English, "prowlen" also came to mean "to roam or search around in a sneaky or surreptitious way," referring to the stealthy movements of thieves and other criminals. This sense of the word was further reinforced by the fact that in Old Norse, "prula" also referred to the sound that water makes as it moves quietly along the shore, implying a sense of stealthy movement through dark or hidden places. Today, the word "prowl" is most commonly associated with the prowlings of animals, such as lions and tigers, as they hunt at night, as well as with the actions of police officers or other law enforcement officials as they patrol their beat in search of criminal activity. In all of these contexts, the word "prowl" evokes a sense of stealthiness, surreptitiousness, and quiet but potent movement through dark and mysterious spaces.


to move quietly and carefully around an area, especially when hunting

di chuyển lặng lẽ và cẩn thận xung quanh một khu vực, đặc biệt là khi đi săn

  • The tiger prowled through the undergrowth.

    Con hổ rình mò trong bụi rậm.

  • Wolves were prowling around outside.

    Bầy sói đang rình mò bên ngoài.

  • Beasts prowled the forests at night.

    Những con thú rình mò trong rừng vào ban đêm.

to move quietly and carefully around an area, especially with the intention of committing a crime

di chuyển lặng lẽ và cẩn thận xung quanh một khu vực, đặc biệt là với ý định phạm tội

  • A man was seen prowling around outside the factory just before the fire started.

    Một người đàn ông được nhìn thấy đang lảng vảng bên ngoài nhà máy ngay trước khi đám cháy bắt đầu.

  • He prowled the streets, looking for likely victims.

    Anh ta rình mò trên đường phố, tìm kiếm những nạn nhân có thể là nạn nhân.

to walk around a room, an area, etc., especially because you are bored, anxious, etc. and cannot relax

đi dạo quanh một căn phòng, một khu vực, v.v., đặc biệt là khi bạn đang buồn chán, lo lắng, v.v. và không thể thư giãn

  • He prowled the empty rooms of the house at night.

    Anh ta lảng vảng trong những căn phòng trống của ngôi nhà vào ban đêm.

Extra examples:
  • Her husband was prowling restlessly around the room.

    Chồng cô đang bồn chồn đi loanh quanh trong phòng.

  • Seb prowled up and down the corridor.

    Seb lảng vảng quanh hành lang.

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