Definition of polecat




The word "polecat" is believed to have originated from the Middle English term "polere" or "puler" which meant a kind of weasel. However, in Old English, the term used to describe this animal was "bilgere" or "bilguma," which meant "stockingsplitter" or "socksplitter." The transformation of the term "puler" to "polecat" is uncertain, but it's believed that it's a result of the polecat's racing behavior. Polecats were often hunted for sport in the 17th century, as they could run as fast as a horse, and the people who went polecat hunting were known as "polecat men." Over time, the name of the animal also came to represent these hunters, and eventually, the term "polecat" became associated with the animal itself. The use of "polecat" to describe this particular weasel species, which is now commonly known as the European polecat or ferret, gained popularity in the Middle English period and remained in use through the modern era. It's interesting to note that the term "polecat" has also been used to refer to other weasel species in various parts of the world, such as the American polecat, which is now known as the long-tailed weasel. In summary, the origin of the word "polecat" can be traced back to Middle English, where it was used to describe a specific type of weasel that was hunted for sport. Over time, the name transformed and became associated with the hunters, and eventually, the animal itself. The name "polecat" has persisted throughout the modern era and is still commonly used to refer to the European polecat or ferret.


a small European wild animal with a long thin body, dark brown fur and a strong unpleasant smell

một loài động vật hoang dã nhỏ ở châu Âu với thân hình gầy dài, bộ lông màu nâu sẫm và mùi khó chịu nồng nặc

a small black and white North American animal that can produce a strong unpleasant smell to defend itself when it is attacked

một loài động vật Bắc Mỹ nhỏ màu đen và trắng có thể tạo ra mùi khó chịu nồng nặc để tự vệ khi bị tấn công

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