Definition of poetry


thi ca, chất thơ


Definition of undefined

The word "poetry" has its roots in ancient Greece. The Greek word "poiesis" (ποιΗΣΗΣ) means "creation" or "making," and was used to describe any form of creative production, including poetry, music, and theater. The Greek poet Homer's epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, are some of the earliest surviving examples of poetry in the Western tradition. The Latin language adopted the Greek word "poiesis" and translated it as "poesis," which meant "poem" or "composition." This Latin word was later adopted into Old French as "poèsie," and eventually into Middle English as "poetry." Throughout the centuries, the meaning of "poetry" has expanded to include not only classical forms of poetry but also modern and contemporary forms, including free verse, sonnets, and other styles of written and spoken word.


poems in general; poems as a genre of literature

thơ nói chung; thơ như một thể loại văn học

  • lyric/epic poetry

    thơ trữ tình/sử thi

  • to write poetry

    viết thơ

  • a poetry reading

    đọc thơ

  • Maya Angelou’s poetry

    thơ Maya Angelou

  • a book/collection/anthology of poetry

    một cuốn sách/tuyển tập/tuyển thơ

Extra examples:
  • At school we had to learn a lot of poetry by heart.

    Ở trường chúng tôi phải học thuộc lòng rất nhiều bài thơ.

  • He began his speech with a few lines of poetry.

    Ông bắt đầu bài phát biểu của mình bằng vài dòng thơ.

  • an essay on imagery in poetry

    bài văn về hình ảnh trong thơ

  • the New York poetry scene

    khung cảnh thơ ca New York

Related words and phrases

a quality of beauty, style and feeling

chất lượng của vẻ đẹp, phong cách và cảm giác

  • There was poetry in all her gestures.

    Có chất thơ trong mọi cử chỉ của cô ấy.

Related words and phrases