Definition of pilgrimage


đi hành hương


The word "pilgrimage" has its roots in Latin and Old French. The Latin word "peregrinatio" means "traveling abroad" or "foreign journey," which was later adopted into Old French as "pelerin" or "pilgerin." In the Middle English period (circa 1100-1500), the word "pilgrimage" emerged, initially referring to a Christian's journey to a holy place or shrine, often to venerate a saint or sacred object. The concept of pilgrimage has its origins in the ancient world, but the term "pilgrimage" specifically connotes a journey motivated by spiritual or religious interests. Throughout history, pilgrimages have become an integral part of various religious traditions, allowing believers to connect with their faith and demonstrate devotion. Over time, the term has expanded to describe journeys undertaken for moral or educational purposes, as well as personal growth or self-discovery.


a journey to a holy place for religious reasons

cuộc hành trình đến thánh địa vì lý do tôn giáo

  • to go on/make a pilgrimage

    tiếp tục/làm một cuộc hành hương

Extra examples:
  • His parents made a pilgrimage to Lourdes.

    Cha mẹ anh đã hành hương đến Lourdes.

  • She was on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land when she got sick.

    Cô đang hành hương đến Thánh địa thì bị bệnh.

  • The shrine was an object of pilgrimage.

    Ngôi đền là một đối tượng của cuộc hành hương.

  • There was a ban on political protests during the pilgrimage.

    Có lệnh cấm biểu tình chính trị trong thời gian hành hương.

a journey to a place that is connected with somebody/something that you admire or respect

cuộc hành trình đến một nơi được kết nối với ai đó/điều gì đó mà bạn ngưỡng mộ hoặc tôn trọng

  • His grave has become a place of pilgrimage.

    Mộ ngài đã trở thành nơi hành hương.

  • She made a pilgrimage to visit the place where her hero was born.

    Cô đã hành hương đến thăm nơi sinh ra người anh hùng của cô.

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