Definition of pickle


Dưa chua


The origin of the word "pickle" references the old meaning of the word "pepper," which was used to describe a variety of spices and herbs, including peppercorns, mustard seeds, and ginger. In the late 1600s, when pickling became a popular method of preserving vegetables, the spices used in the process were referred to as "peppered" or "peppered vegetables." Over time, the term "pickle" evolved to refer specifically to the process of preserving vegetables in vinegar or saltwater. The word "pickle" comes from the Dutch word "pekel," which means "frost" or "freezing." This term was applied to the process of pickling because the vegetables would become "frozen" in the brine, preventing them from spoiling. In the early 1700s, the word "pickle" also began to be used as a verb, meaning "to preserve in a pickling solution." This usage continued to evolve over the centuries, and "pickle" eventually came to refer not just to the process of pickling but also to the resulting preserved vegetable. Interestingly, the use of the word "pickle" for vegetables preserved in vinegar might seem unusual to modern English speakers, as we usually associate the word "pickle" with cucumbers. However, in the 19th century, when German immigrants brought recipes for sauerkraut and other vegetables preserved in saltwater, the term "pickle" came to be broadly used to describe all types of pickled vegetables. Thus, the origin of the word "pickle" can be traced back to the use of spices in the pickling process, and its evolution over time to refer more specifically to the process itself and ultimately to the preserved vegetables.


a vegetable that has been preserved in vinegar or salt water and has a strong taste, served cold with meat, salads, etc.

một loại rau được bảo quản trong giấm hoặc nước muối và có vị đậm đà, dùng nguội với thịt, salad, v.v.

a cold thick spicy sauce made from fruit and vegetables that have been boiled, often sold in jars and served with meat, cheese, etc.

một loại nước sốt cay lạnh đặc làm từ trái cây và rau củ luộc chín, thường được bán trong lọ và ăn kèm với thịt, phô mai, v.v.

  • a cheese and pickle sandwich

    bánh sandwich phô mai và dưa chua

a small cucumber that has been preserved in vinegar before being eaten

một quả dưa chuột nhỏ được bảo quản trong giấm trước khi ăn

Related words and phrases


in a pickle
(informal)in a difficult or unpleasant situation