Definition of physiological


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The word "physiological" originates from the Greek words "physis," meaning "nature" or "growth," and "logos," meaning "study" or "science." In the 16th century, the term "physiologia" was coined to describe the study of the natural properties and functions of living organisms, particularly plants and animals. Over time, the term evolved to include the study of the functions and processes of the human body, including the functions of organs, tissues, and systems. In the 19th century, the term "physiological" was adopted to describe the scientific study of these functions and processes. Today, the term "physiological" is used to describe a wide range of fields, including physiology, biomedical science, and medicine, as well as related disciplines such as nutrition, pharmacology, and biology.


connected with the scientific study of the normal functions of living things

liên quan đến nghiên cứu khoa học về các chức năng bình thường của sinh vật sống

  • physiological research

    nghiên cứu sinh lý

connected with the way in which a particular living thing functions

liên quan đến cách thức hoạt động của một sinh vật sống cụ thể

  • the physiological effect of space travel

    tác dụng sinh lý của du hành vũ trụ


a (whole) different/new ball game
(informal)a completely different kind of situation
  • Camping in summer is fun, but in winter it’s a whole different ball game.