Definition of pest


côn trùng


The word "pest" originated in the Middle English period, around the 14th century. In its earliest usage, "pest" referred to any unpleasant, annoying, or bothersome person or thing. This meaning of the word is still in use today, as demonstrated in phrases such as "a pest on Facebook" or "a pest in the classroom." However, its current connotation as a destructive organism that causes disease or harm to crops and livestock derives from a different origin. During the 17th century, the word "pest" began to be used more frequently to describe the ravages of infectious diseases, especially in urban areas where poor sanitation and overcrowding facilitated the rapid spread of these illnesses. In this context, "pests" were the rodents, insects, and other creatures that infested human habitats and were identified as carriers of deadly diseases such as bubonic plague, cholera, and typhus. The association between pests and disease solidified in the 19th century, as scientists and public health officials began to recognize the role of sanitation and hygiene in preventing the spread of these illnesses. Today, the term "pest control" is synonymous with managing populations of agricultural and household pests, both to protect human health and to preserve the productivity of crops and livestock.


an insect or animal that destroys plants, food, etc.

một loài côn trùng hoặc động vật phá hoại thực vật, thức ăn, v.v.

  • insect/plant/garden pests

    côn trùng/thực vật/vườn gây hại

  • a pest control officer

    một nhân viên kiểm soát dịch hại

  • These birds provide a useful function in controlling insect pests.

    Những con chim này cung cấp một chức năng hữu ích trong việc kiểm soát côn trùng gây hại.

an annoying person or thing

một người hoặc vật gây phiền nhiễu

  • That child is being a real pest.

    Đứa trẻ đó thực sự là một kẻ gây hại.

  • Ex-colleagues describe him as a sex pest.

    Các đồng nghiệp cũ mô tả anh ta như một kẻ gây hại tình dục.