Definition of perquisite




The word "perquisite" originated in the late 18th century from the Latin word "per" meaning "through" and the French word "requisite" meaning "necessary thing". In its earliest usage, it referred to a specific item or benefit provided to an individual in addition to their salary or remuneration. In English, the term "perquisite" was first recorded in the late 1700s as "perquisite wages," referencing extra payments given to members of the British Parliament for performing various duties. Over time, the usage of "perquisite" expanded to include various types of non-monetary benefits, such as company cars, office space, or access to exclusive events, provided as part of an employment package. Today, the term is commonly used across a range of industries and professional contexts to refer to any extra benefit or advantage accrued by an individual beyond their basic compensation.


something you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job

một cái gì đó bạn nhận được cũng như tiền lương của bạn để làm một công việc cụ thể

something to which somebody has a special right because of their social position

cái gì đó mà ai đó có quyền đặc biệt vì vị trí xã hội của họ

  • Politics used to be the perquisite of the property-owning classes.

    Chính trị từng là đặc quyền của các giai cấp sở hữu tài sản.

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