Definition of Pentecost


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The term "Pentecost" originated from the Greek word Pentekoste, meaning "fiftieth." In the Christian context, Pentecost refers to the holy festival celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter, which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and other believers. According to the biblical narrative, fifty days after Jesus' resurrection, his followers gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish feast of Pentecost. Suddenly, a mighty wind filled the room, and the Holy Spirit descended upon them, enabling them to speak in tongues and preach Jesus' message to people from different parts of the world. The significance of Pentecost lies in the fact that it marked the beginning of the Christian Church's mission to spread the gospel worldwide. The feast is celebrated annually as a celebration of the Holy Spirit's blessings and a reminder for Christians to continue Jesus' work of sharing the good news with others.


(in the Christian Church) the 7th Sunday after Easter when Christians celebrate the Holy Spirit coming to the Apostles

(trong Nhà thờ Thiên chúa giáo) Chúa nhật thứ 7 sau lễ Phục sinh khi người Kitô hữu cử hành Chúa Thánh Thần đến với các Tông đồ

a Jewish festival that takes place 50 days after the second day of Passover

một lễ hội của người Do Thái diễn ra 50 ngày sau ngày thứ hai của Lễ Vượt Qua

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