Definition of paving


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The word "paving" originates from the Old French word "pavé", which means "paved" or "fitted". This Old French term comes from the Latin word "pavimentum", meaning "a floor paved with stones or tiles". The Latin word is derived from "pavus", meaning "thick" or "dense", and "imentum", meaning "railing" or "guard". In English, the word "paving" has been used since the 14th century to describe the act of covering a surface with a layer of stones, bricks, or other materials. Over time, the term has expanded to include laying down surfaces such as asphalt, concrete, or other materials used for road, driveway, or walkway construction. Today, the word "paving" is commonly used in the construction and maintenance industries to describe the process of creating smooth, durable, and functional surfaces.


a surface of flat stones or material like stone on the ground

một bề mặt đá phẳng hoặc vật liệu như đá trên mặt đất

  • Weeds grew through the cracks in the paving.

    Cỏ dại mọc qua các vết nứt trên vỉa hè.

Related words and phrases

the stones or material that are used to make a flat surface on the ground

những viên đá hoặc vật liệu được sử dụng để tạo ra một bề mặt phẳng trên mặt đất

  • We'll use concrete paving.

    Chúng ta sẽ sử dụng vỉa hè bê tông.

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