Definition of paste




The word "paste" originated in the late 15th century from the Old French word "pastè", which meant "something put together". This word is believed to have been derived from the Latin verb "pastęere" meaning "to mix", which itself is related to the word "pasticcio", a term for a dish made by combining ingredients. In its original usage, "paste" referred to any mixture or compound created by combining different substances, such as medicinal ointments or plaster used for setting broken bones. However, by the 17th century, the word had taken on more specific meanings, such as a kind of sticky dough used in baking and a type of decorative compound made by mixing powdered glass with animal glue, commonly used in stained glass windows. One of the most well-known uses of paste today is in the context of cuisine, where it refers to a thick sauce made by thickening liquid with flour or cornstarch, often used as a base for dishes like gravies and sauces. This use of the word "paste" became popular in the 19th century, and its origins can be traced back to the use of the word "pâte" in French cuisine to describe a thick stew or soup, later shortened to "pâte champêtre" (roughly translated to "country paste") and then "pâte" alone. In summary, the word "paste" has its roots in the Old French word "pastè", which was derived from the Latin verb "pastęere". Originally a general term for any compound made by combining substances, "paste" has evolved to take on a variety of specific meanings in both food and other contexts.


a soft wet mixture, usually made of a powder and a liquid

một hỗn hợp ướt mềm, thường được làm từ bột và chất lỏng

  • She mixed the flour and water to a smooth paste.

    Cô trộn bột mì và nước thành một hỗn hợp sệt.

a smooth, soft mixture of meat, fish, etc. that is spread on bread or used in cooking

một hỗn hợp mịn, mềm của thịt, cá, v.v. được phết lên bánh mì hoặc dùng trong nấu ăn

  • meat/fish/tomato paste

    thịt/cá/sốt cà chua

a type of glue that is used for sticking paper to things

một loại keo dùng để dán giấy vào đồ vật

  • wallpaper paste

    dán hình nền

a substance like glass, that is used for making artificial jewels, for example diamonds

một chất như thủy tinh, được sử dụng để làm đồ trang sức nhân tạo, ví dụ như kim cương

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