Definition of partition


vách ngăn


The word "partition" can be traced back to the Latin verb partire, which literally means "to divide" or "to separate." This root word also gave rise to the English verb "part," which means "to divide into parts." Additionally, the Latin noun partitio, meaning "division" or "distribution," was adopted into several European languages, including French (partage) and Italian (partitione). In English, the noun form "partition" originally referred to the act of dividing something into portions or shares, but by the 15th century, it also came to mean a physical division, such as a wall or screen used to separate one space from another. The term "partition" is now commonly used in legal and real estate contexts to describe the process of dividing property among co-owners or heirs.


a wall or screen that separates one part of a room from another

một bức tường hoặc màn hình ngăn cách một phần của căn phòng với phần khác

  • The cafe was divided up by glass partitions.

    Quán cà phê được ngăn cách bằng vách kính.

  • I could hear him snoring through the thin partition walls.

    Tôi có thể nghe thấy tiếng anh ngáy qua những bức tường ngăn mỏng.

Extra examples:
  • There were no partitions between the showers.

    Không có vách ngăn giữa các vòi sen.

  • The family had to smash through a glass partition to escape the fire.

    Gia đình phải đập vỡ vách kính để thoát khỏi đám cháy.

the division of one country into two or more countries

sự chia cắt một quốc gia thành hai hoặc nhiều quốc gia

  • the partition of Germany after the war

    sự phân chia nước Đức sau chiến tranh