Definition of parochial


địa phương


The word "parochial" originally stems from the Old French word "paroisial," which in turn derives from the Latin "paroecus," meaning "adjacent" or "nearby." In ecclesiastical context, the original meaning of "parochial" referred to a parish or the surrounding area. A parish, in religious terms, is a self-contained community of the faithful who have a specific church or pastor as their spiritual leader, often covering a certain geographic area. The term "parochial" then took on a secondary meaning to refer to things that are related to or characteristic of a parish, such as its schools, hospitals, or other institutions. In a broader sense, "parochial" can also be used to describe things that are excessively or overly focused on one's local community, to the exclusion of outside perspectives or broader contexts. This sense of the word gained additional currency during the 19th century as educational reformers called for an end to rote memorization and the instilling of broader, more universal values in place of a narrow focus on local area specifics. In this context, "parochial schools" still refer to religious educational institutions, but the term "parochial" connotes a specific type of program that may be more limited than secular, broader public schools or other programs.


connected with a church parish

kết nối với một giáo xứ nhà thờ

  • parochial schools

    trường giáo xứ

  • a member of the parochial church council

    một thành viên của hội đồng giáo xứ

only interested in small issues that happen in your local area and not interested in more important things

chỉ quan tâm đến những vấn đề nhỏ xảy ra ở địa phương của bạn và không quan tâm đến những điều quan trọng hơn

  • They need to be better informed and less parochial in their thinking.

    Họ cần được cung cấp thông tin tốt hơn và ít thiển cận hơn trong suy nghĩ.