Definition of paranoid


hoang tưởng


The word "paranoid" originates from the Latin phrase "para noia," which means "beside one's mind." In the 17th century, the Latin phrase was adapted into medical terminology to describe a mental disorder characterized by excessive and irrational suspicions against others. In the early 1900s, the word "paranoid" gained popularity in the field of psychiatry, particularly among psychoanalysts like Sigmund Freud. Freudian psychoanalysis led to the development of the concept of the "paranoid personality," which described individuals who were excessively suspicious, mistrustful, and hypersensitive to perceived threats. Over time, the term "paranoid" has expanded beyond its medical context, commonly used in everyday language to describe not only mental disorders but also irrational or irrational belief systems, conspiracy theories, and a pervasive sense of anxiety or distrust.


believing that other people dislike you or want to harm you, when there is no reason or evidence for this

tin rằng người khác không thích bạn hoặc muốn làm hại bạn, khi không có lý do hoặc bằng chứng nào cho điều này

  • She's getting really paranoid about what other people say about her.

    Cô ấy thực sự trở nên hoang tưởng về những gì người khác nói về cô ấy.

  • You're just being paranoid.

    Bạn chỉ đang hoang tưởng thôi.

having false beliefs because of a mental illness, especially the belief that people are trying or planning to harm you

có niềm tin sai lầm vì bệnh tâm thần, đặc biệt là niềm tin rằng mọi người đang cố gắng hoặc có kế hoạch làm hại bạn

  • paranoid delusions

    ảo tưởng hoang tưởng

  • paranoid schizophrenia

    tâm thần phân liệt hoang tưởng

  • a paranoid schizophrenic

    một người mắc chứng tâm thần phân liệt hoang tưởng

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