Definition of paracetamol


thuốc paracetamol


The word "paracetamol" is used to refer to a commonly prescribed and over-the-counter medication used to relieve pain and fever. But where did this name come from? Paracetamol's original developer, Gerhardt Kotz, came up with the word as a brand name for the drug in the late 1800s while working at the German pharmaceutical company, Boehringer Mannheim. The name "Paracetamol" is a combination of the Greek word "para," which means "alongside," and "acetamide," which is a chemical compound that is broken down during paracetamol's metabolism. The drug was first introduced to the market in 1893 under the brand name Paracetamol-Pool. However, it didn't become widely popular until the 1950s, when scientists at the British pharmaceutical company, Burroughs Wellcome (now part of GlaxoSmithKline), began researching the compound. This research led to the creation of the first commercially available paracetamol tablets under the brand name Panadol in Australia and Paracet in the UK. Today, paracetamol is known by different names in different parts of the world. In the US and Canada, it is commonly referred to as acetaminophen, while in some Asian countries, it is marketed under the brand name Tylenol. Nonetheless, regardless of the name, paracetamol remains one of the most popular over-the-counter medications in the world, thanks to its effectiveness and low risk of side effects.

  • After a long day at work, Rachel took a few paracetamol tablets to relieve her headache.

    Sau một ngày dài làm việc, Rachel uống vài viên thuốc paracetamol để giảm đau đầu.

  • The doctor prescribed paracetamol for Sam's fever to bring it down.

    Bác sĩ kê đơn thuốc paracetamol để hạ sốt cho Sam.

  • John's wife kept a supply of paracetamol at home to deal with any unexpected pains or discomfort.

    Vợ của John luôn dự trữ paracetamol ở nhà để đối phó với bất kỳ cơn đau hoặc khó chịu bất ngờ nào.

  • exaggerated social media selfies with caption "got chest pain, had 5 paracetamol and feeling better 😂😂 #zerotolife"

    ảnh tự sướng phóng đại trên mạng xã hội với chú thích "bị đau ngực, uống 5 viên paracetamol và thấy khỏe hơn 😂😂 #zerotolife"

  • Lucy went to the pharmacy to buy more paracetamol as she was running low.

    Lucy đến hiệu thuốc để mua thêm paracetamol vì cô sắp hết thuốc.

  • The nurse instructed Lily to take three paracetamol tablets every six hours, with plenty of water.

    Y tá hướng dẫn Lily uống ba viên paracetamol sau mỗi sáu giờ, cùng với nhiều nước.

  • Liam kept a pack of paracetamol in his gym bag for the odd muscle pain after his workout.

    Liam luôn để một gói thuốc paracetamol trong túi tập thể dục để phòng trường hợp đau nhức cơ sau khi tập luyện.

  • The dentist advised Beth to take paracetamol before she came in for her filling appointment.

    Bác sĩ nha khoa khuyên Beth uống paracetamol trước khi đến trám răng.

  • When Sophie started her period, she popped a couple of paracetamol to ease the cramps.

    Khi Sophie bắt đầu có kinh, cô uống một vài viên paracetamol để giảm đau bụng kinh.

  • Tom's wife suggested that he stock up on paracetamol for the upcoming flu season.

    Vợ của Tom gợi ý anh nên dự trữ paracetamol cho mùa cúm sắp tới.

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