Definition of par




The word "par" in golf originated from the game's adoption of rules based on the English sport of bowls. In bowls, the game's objective is to roll one's ball as close as possible to a target ball, called the "jack." The "par" in golf is similar, denoting the number of strokes a skilled golfer is expected to take to reach the hole from the tee box. In Golf's earliest days, a "stroke play" format was introduced, where players attempted to complete holes in as few strokes as possible. This format required a standardized number of shots for each hole, which helped to create a level playing field for golfers of different abilities. The original par was set as the number of strokes required to hit the ball from the tee box into the hole in two shots, with the golf ball resting on the putting green. This is still the case for par 3 holes, which require two shots for a skilled golfer to reach the green. For par 4 holes, the golfer's ball is expected to travel from the tee box to the green in four strokes. Par 5 holes, the most challenging, require a golfer to complete the hole in five strokes. Any player who matches or beats the par for a particular hole is considered to have played that hole in regulation. In summary, the word "par" in golf comes from the sport's bowls heritage, where the objective was to approach a target ball with as few shots as possible. It is now a fundamental concept in golf that helps to track a player's performance and create a level playing field for golfers of all abilities.


the number of shots a good player should need to complete a course or to hit the ball into a particular hole

số cú đánh mà một người chơi giỏi cần phải hoàn thành một sân hoặc để đánh bóng vào một lỗ cụ thể

  • a par five hole

    lỗ par năm

  • Par for the course is 72.

    Mệnh cho khóa học là 72.

  • She went round the course in three under (= three strokes less than) par.

    Cô ấy đã đi vòng quanh sân với ba gậy dưới (= ít hơn ba gậy).

Extra examples:
  • He finished four over par.

    Anh ấy đã hoàn thành hơn bốn điểm.

  • a clever putt to save par

    một cú putt thông minh để cứu par

the value that a share in a company had originally

giá trị mà một cổ phiếu trong một công ty có ban đầu

  • to be redeemed at par

    được chuộc lại ngang bằng

  • The company's bonds are trading well above par.

    Trái phiếu của công ty đang giao dịch cao hơn mệnh giá.


below/under par
less well, good, etc. than is usual or expected
  • I may take tomorrow off if I’m still feeling under par.
  • Teaching in some subjects has been well below par.
  • I feel slightly below par today.
  • be par for the course
    (disapproving)to be just what you would expect to happen or expect somebody to do in a particular situation
  • Starting early and working long hours is par for the course in this job.
  • on a par/level with somebody/something
    as good, bad, important, etc. as somebody/something else
  • This place is on a par with the best French restaurants.
  • up to par
    as good as usual or as good as it should be
  • I didn’t think her performance was up to par.
  • Your work is not up to par.