Definition of pagan


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The term "pagan" has its roots in the Latin word "paganus," which means "rustic" or "countryside." Initially, it was used to describe non-Christian people living in rural areas, often considered to be uncivilized or unsophisticated. During the Roman Empire, the term was used in a neutral or positive sense to describe someone living in the countryside or having a simple, rustic lifestyle. Over time, as Christianity spread throughout Europe, the term "pagan" took on a more negative connotation. It began to be used to describe non-Christian religions, cultures, and people, implying that they were uneducated, superstitious, or false. The term was often used to demean and derogate anyone who did not adhere to Christianity. Today, the term "pagan" is often used to describe modern Neopagan movements, which draw on pre-Christian beliefs and practices from various cultures.


a person who holds religious beliefs that are not part of any of the world’s main religions

một người có niềm tin tôn giáo không thuộc bất kỳ tôn giáo chính nào trên thế giới

used in the past by Christians to describe a person who did not believe in Christianity

được sử dụng trong quá khứ bởi những người theo đạo Thiên chúa để mô tả một người không tin vào đạo Thiên chúa

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